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Photographers & Videographers

Your engagement, wedding, and bridal portrait photography may be the most important part of the wedding that you will cherish forever (besides your partner of course!).
View the wedding vendors in this category below.
TWS = Vendors who will have a booth at the upcoming Triangle Wedding Show.
About Photographers & Videographers

Forever and Company (formerly Forever Bridal) has wedding photographers throughout the Raleigh area extending to the entire state of North Carolina. Our wedding photographers know how to get the exact wedding pictures you are looking for and in the most efficient way without appearing to be running the show. These Raleigh wedding photographers have mastered their skills all over the world. In fact, many photographers will travel to your destination wedding. Build a relationship and take advantage of their experience for your destination wedding and capture your wedding memories to look back on and cherish for a lifetime. You’re Married…. Now What? Here is Something Fun to do with your Wedding Photographer. Back from your honeymoon and excited to begin your new life together as a couple. But what are you going do with that beautiful wedding dress? As a symbol of the wedding, your wedding dress has become a piece of you. So what do you do with it? Do you preserve your gown? Or do you do something fun and extraordinary? Have you considered trashing your dress? That’s right, trashing your dress. This has become a popular trend in the Triangle. Many Raleigh based Wedding Photographers, including Veritas Digital Photography specialize in this. Ask your photographer about this once in a lifetime opportunity and see if its right for you. Felt like your day went by to quickly? Another growing trend is to recreate your wedding photos, but this time just the two of you. You can choose a calm yet romantic setting in the historic Raleigh downtown area or somewhere significant to you, to secure the images you didn’t have the time to capture at your wedding.

Vendor Application

We can't wait to connect with you. Send us your application (it is 100% no cost to apply).

Our commitment to you.

We will always be 100% truthful with our numbers and always deal in good faith. In return, we ask the same of you. Together, we can present our couples with the highest quality vendors and the upmost integrity.